Overall scores
For detailed results, look at the menu on the left.
Track 3: Smartphone (off-site) |
Team |
Members |
3rd quartile |
WHU-five |
State Key Lab. of Information Eng. in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), WuHan Univ. (CN) |
1.0 |
Shenzhen Univ. (CN), Queen Mary Univ. of London and Univ. College London (UK) |
1.7 |
Xiamen Univ. (CN) |
1.9 |
Naver Labs Europe (FR) |
2.0 |
UMinho |
Univ. of Minho (PT) |
2.7 |
imec-WAVES/Ghent University |
imec-WAVES/Ghent Univ. (BE) |
2.8 |
Dept. of Electrical Eng., Yuan Ze Univ. and National Ilan Univ. (TW) |
4.7 |
WiMaP |
Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecomm.; Inst. of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN) |
5.4 |
Indora |
Institute of Computer Science, P.J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science (SK) |
6.9 |
School of Microelectronics, Tianjin Univ. (CN) |
7.2 |
Next-Newbie Reckoners |
Singtel Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Lab for Enterprises at NTU (SCALE@NTU); Nanyang Technological Univ. (SG) |
-- |
Track 4: Foot-mounted IMU (off-site) |
Team |
Members |
3rd quartile |
Wuhan University (CN) |
0.5 |
Aerospace Information Research Inst., Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN) |
5.8 |
Free-Walking |
Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecomm.; Inst. of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN) |
-- |
Beihang Univ. (CN) |
-- |
Track 5: xDR in manufacturing (off-site) |
Team |
Members (manufacturing) |
3rd quartile |
Kawaguchi Lab |
Nagoya university (JP) |
6.8 |
Team |
Members (restaurant) |
3rd quartile |
yonayona |
Keio university (JP) |
12.4 |
Track 6: On-vehicle smartphone (off-site) |
Team |
Members |
3rd quartile |
WHU-Autonavi |
Wuhan university; AutoNavi Software Co., Ltd. (CN) |
7.0 |
SZU Mellivora Capensis |
Shenzhen University (CN) |
18.5 |
Dept. of Electrical Eng., Yuan Ze Univ. and National Ilan Univ. (TW) |
-- |
Track 7: Channel impulse response (off-site) |
Team |
Members |
3rd quartile |
Dept. of Electrical Eng., Yuan Ze Univ. and National Ilan Univ. (TW) |
1.4 |