Competing Teams14 December 2020 - Zoom workshop Track 3 - Smartphone (off-site)
Team Name
Next-Newbie Reckoners Reference person Seanglidet Yean
Affiliation Singtel Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Lab for Enterprises at NTU (SCALE@NTU); Nanyang Technological University (SG) Description We have adopted grid-based approach to train the Random Forest models with an end-to-end pipleline in order to predict the building, floor and location grid using the WiFi Received Signal Strength. In addition, we are working on the Deep Neural Network models as well as feature selection methods to further improve the accuracy. In this competition, our main objective is to incorporate multi-source of information such as Bluetooth, Smartphone sensor-fusion techniques (e.g. pedestrian dead reckoning) to enhance our method. Team Name
WHU-five Reference person Li Wei
Affiliation State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), WuHan University (CN)
Description Training: According to the training data set, establish a geomagnetic fingerprint library, a WIFI fingerprint library, and a lighting library. Test: Estimate the initial position through WIFI fingerprint positioning, lights, geomagnetism, etc., and then merge the results of PDR, geomagnetism, and wifi positioning to get the final position. The floor can be judged roughly based on the barometer. When there is a weak change in air pressure between floors, the floor information can be detected by fusing other signals (wifi, geomagnetism, lights, etc.). Team Name
YAI Reference person ChihChieh Yu Affiliation Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University and National Ilan University (TW) Description Our fingerprinting is based on Wi-Fi signal strength (RSS) values expressed in dBm. In this competition, we propose a fuzzy-based pre-processing method so that the RSS entries in the fingerprinting database can be converted into the corresponding defuzzification values. The fuzzy-based pre-processing utilizes five membership functions on the received RSS signals and the parameters associated with these membership functions are trained by the training dataset. Finally, we obtain a non-linear mapping function, which mapping the RSS values to the real values between the range of 0 to 4 as shown in Fig. 1. More specifically, we adopt air pressure value for floor judgment, acceleration value for step detection, and Wi-Fi signal for fingerprinting table positioning. Team Name
Indora Reference person Miroslav Opiela Affiliation Institute of Computer Science, P.J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Jesenná 5, 041 54 Košice (SK) Description Pedestrian dead-reckoning, map model and bayesian filtering are essential components of the proposed localization system. The main research focus is on a low-dimensional grid-based bayesian filtering, as a less elaborated alternative to Kalman and Particle filters widely used for the positioning. A semi-automatically generated map model helps to reduce the localization error introduced by noisy sensor measurements and inaccurate system configuration, e.g., a step length estimation. The floor transition detection based on barometer measurements allows the system to estimate the user position within a single floor. Step length estimation is incorporated in the particle filter. The light sensor improves the ability to distinguish between two similar corridors and detect indoor-outdoor transitions.
UMinho Reference person Ivo Silva Affiliation University of Minho (PT)
Description imec-WAVES/Ghent University Reference person Cedric De Cock Affiliation imec-WAVES/Ghent University (BE)
Description TJU Team members Liqiang Zhang, Boxuan Chen, Hu Li, Yazhen liao, Qingyuan Gong and Yu Liu Affiliation School of Microelectronics, Tianjin University (CN)
Description MAD PDR (Magnetic Assisted Deep PDR) Reference person Leonid Antsfeld Affiliation Naver Labs Europe (FR)
Description The main components are: floor detection, user activity recognition, speed/step length estimation, PDR, WiFi based localization and, finally, a novel component of magnetic field based localization. Floor detection was done using classic classification methods based on WiFi and barometer data. We have applied spectral analysis on the accelerometer data in order to identify user's activity (walking, standing, going up or down the stairs). Next, we have used peaks detection of accelerometer data in order to detect steps. We extract acceleration features in order to learn the step length / speed in a given sliding window. Together with the orientation sensor it allowed us to build a PDR which was a first order approximation of the itinerary. The PDR is known for being accurate locally but drifting over time. In order to compensate for this drift, we have used global localization techniques based on WiFi VAE that was presented at IPIN’19 and recently developed LSTM based magnetic field localization algorithm. Finally, the itinerary was adjusted using a map that was extracted from the training data. XMU ATR Reference person Lingxiang Zheng Affiliation Xiamen University (CN)
Description IOT2US Reference person Bang Wu Affiliation Shenzhen University (CN), Queen Mary University of London and University College London (UK)
Description For machine/deep learning algorithms, we build the training set by using all APs’ RSSI information at known points; training our models (e.g SVM, XGBoost, KNN, CNN); predicting the positions of unknown points. 2. Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR): step counter; pose estimator updated by using the quaternion method, besides, AHRS contains the information of the quaternion, which can be used to fuse with estimated heading. 3. Mobility Detection: we build the training set by collecting the data from provided training and validate sets; Train our models (e.g SVM, XGBoost, DNN, CNN); predict the mobility modes of the user’s state. 4. Floor Level Detection: similar to mobility detection. 5. Indoor/Outdoor Detection: we use GNSS to discriminate indoor scenarios and outdoor scenarios using machine learning algorithms. 6. Data Fusion: extended Kalman Filter or Unascend Kalman Filter or Particle Filter. WiMaP Reference person Qu Wang Affiliation Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)
Description Track 4 - Foot-mounted IMU (off-site)WHUGNSS Team members Jian Kuang, Tao Liu, Yan Wang Affiliation Wuhan University (CN) Description The classic zero-velocity update algorithm (ZUPT) based foot-mounted pedestrian dead reckoning consists of a strap-down inertial navigation algorithm, a stance phase detection algorithm, and an error state Kalman filter. However, the classic ZUPT-based Foot-PDR cannot be overcome the influence of the complex motion of the pedestrian. Several schemes are designed to improve navigation performance. 1) An improved adaptive threshold algorithm to detect the stance-phase in each gait cycle. 2) The zero angular rate update (ZARU) algorithm, the improved heuristic drift elimination (iHDE), and the straight-line constraint algorithm are used to constraint the heading error drift. 3) A motion detection algorithm is used to distinguish ground, escalator, and elevator, and a constant speed constraint is used to update the velocity vector when the pedestrian takes the escalator and elevator. 4) The calibrated magnetometer observations are used to detect whether the user returns to the same area. 5) The loosely integrated model is used to combine Foot-PDR and GNSS signals, and an adaptively robust algorithm is used to improve the performance of the Kalman filter. 6) The optimal inertial sensor parameters (i.e., the bias instability of gyroscopes and accelerometers, the angular random walk, and the velocity random walk) are determined through the provided long-term static data. BHSNIP Team members Ming Xia, Dayu Yan, Yuhang Li, Yitong Dong and Haitao Jiang Affiliation Beihang University (CN) Description Researchers usually suppress the divergence of positioning error within IEZ (Inertial Navigation System - Extended Kalman Filter - Zero Velocity Update, INS-EKF-ZUPT) framework. However, due to the poor observability of heading errors to ZUPT and the instability of vertical inertial channels, further corrections of the estimated trajectories under the IEZ framework are still needed to obtain higher positioning accuracy. First, the improved Step Height Equidistant (SHE) method was exploited to estimate the altitude, which was based on vertical motion modes. Then, the Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) and GPS was integrated according to loose combination. Furthermore, the improved heuristic drift elimination was also used to constraint the heading drift. Finally, the adaptive method was utilized to adjust the parameters of EKF and the threshold of ZUPT. Free-Walking Team members Haiyong Luo, Qu Wang Affiliation Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN) Description A foot-mounted pedestrian inertial navigation system that accurately tracks pedestrian position by using inertial measurement units (IMUs) embedded in device when pedestrian walking normally. However, the positioning accuracy is decreased under complex movements. In this work, we divide the commonly used indoor walking motion type into eight modes construct motion mode classifier based on stacked denoising autoencoder and temporal convolutional network with attention to recognize these pedestrian motion modes. Base on the walking mode classification, we optimize the threshold or parameters of strapdown inertial navigation and zero-velocity detection, and Kalman filter for each walking mode. The proposed method can more effectively distinguish the pedestrian’s walking mode, accurately detect the stationary phase and estimate the device attitude under various pedestrian movements. The results of multi-floor and mixed walking modes experiment show that the positioning errors of the proposed method are less than 2%. AIR Reference person Wenchao Zhang Affiliation Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN) Description Still Phase Detection includes two components: the GLRT detector algorithm used under the condition of the slow and normal pedestrian gait speed, and the HMM detector algorithm used under the condition of the dynamic and fast pedestrian gait speed. After that, using the improved HDE and HUPT method to estimate current position errors, ZUPT is used to estimate the velocity error, while Earth Magnetic Yaw based on QSF method is used to estimate the heading error. A gait or a walk cycle consists of two phases: the swing and stance phase. In the swing phase, the foot is not in contact with the ground. In contrast, the foot contacts the ground in the stance phase GLRT algorithm has obvious advantages for zero speed detection of stable pedestrian gait velocity, while HMM algorithm has a good effect for zero speed detection of dynamic and fast pedestrian gait speed Thus, the two methods are combined to achieve the dynamic human stance. Track 5 - xDR in manufacturing (off-site)Kawaguchi Lab Reference person Takuto Yoshida Affiliation Nagoya university (JP) Description A robust xDR for a target to track based on a velocity estimation method using a neural network. A trajectory estimation by this method consists of the following three steps: 1) an end-to-end speed estimation using a neural network based on LSTM. 2) A heading estimation by integrating angular velocity on the z-axis which is a projection of angular velocity to gravity. 3) Correcting the trajectory calculated from speed and heading using BLE beacon signal, reference point, and map. Our challenge is how to extend the velocity estimation method originally intended for PDR to VDR. yonayona Reference person Yoshitomo Yonamoto Affiliation Keio university (JP) Description My main method is to emphasis on absolute positioning technology. In a certain of time, I use more than 3 detected beacons, try various approaches such as average weighted and trilateration. and choose best estimation. I also tackle to decrease negative check points by implementing prevent-intersect-wall algorithm. Track 6 - On-vehicle smartphone (off-site) Team Name
SZU Mellivora Capensis Reference person Xu Liu Affiliation Shenzhen University (CN) Description Our system proposes a novel method (named SAM-AI Location System) that integrated an improved deep recurrent neural network-based method with a traditional 3D inertial dead-reckoning method to achieve high-precision positioning using the sensor data obtained from smart phone. The system transforms the coordinate system according to the attitude data, and integrates GNSS information when it detects GNSS signals. The system uses the dead reckoning inertial method based on IMU to estimate the three-dimensional position, speed and direction of the vehicle. At the same time, we use the deep recurrent neural networks to learn the data of accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer to train model and predict the highly accurate vehicle track. The inertial-based track obtained by the integrated method through federated filter. Moreover, this system adds GPS information where it detects a GPS signal. GPS signal provide starting information for our inertial-based algorithms. It is worth mentioning that we consider the transformation of coordinate system and the installation angle of smart phone in the process of deducing trajectory.The positioning results of the competition show that the SAM-AI Location System proposed by us can solve the positioning requirements in the complex indoor and outdoor environment. YAI Reference person Chia An Affiliation Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University and National Ilan University (TW) Description The systems is based on dead reckoning. We use Kalman filter to solve the problem of straight driving, and use Stanley control algorithm to solve the problem of deviation when turning. The data provided by the database uses ACCE, GYRO, AHRS, GNSS. We use the road section with GNSS signal to train parameters. WHU-Autonavi Reference person Jian Kuang Affiliation Wuhan university; AutoNavi Software Co., Ltd. (CN)
Track 7 - Channel impulse response (off-site)YAI Reference person NienTing Lee Affiliation Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University and National Ilan University (TW) Description We use neural network to train the model for each receiver, before training model, we process the square and root of the real and imaginary parts of the CIR signal, and then feed the processed 366 signals to neural network training. For labeling, we take the integer digits, and treat each point mark as a category, and finally divide a total of 285 categories.
Competing Teams14 December 2020 - Zoom workshop Track 3 - Smartphone (off-site)
Team Name
Next-Newbie Reckoners Reference person Seanglidet Yean
Affiliation Singtel Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Lab for Enterprises at NTU (SCALE@NTU); Nanyang Technological University (SG) Description We have adopted grid-based approach to train the Random Forest models with an end-to-end pipleline in order to predict the building, floor and location grid using the WiFi Received Signal Strength. In addition, we are working on the Deep Neural Network models as well as feature selection methods to further improve the accuracy. In this competition, our main objective is to incorporate multi-source of information such as Bluetooth, Smartphone sensor-fusion techniques (e.g. pedestrian dead reckoning) to enhance our method. Team Name
WHU-five Reference person Li Wei
Affiliation State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), WuHan University (CN)
Description Training: According to the training data set, establish a geomagnetic fingerprint library, a WIFI fingerprint library, and a lighting library. Test: Estimate the initial position through WIFI fingerprint positioning, lights, geomagnetism, etc., and then merge the results of PDR, geomagnetism, and wifi positioning to get the final position. The floor can be judged roughly based on the barometer. When there is a weak change in air pressure between floors, the floor information can be detected by fusing other signals (wifi, geomagnetism, lights, etc.). Team Name
YAI Reference person ChihChieh Yu Affiliation Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University and National Ilan University (TW) Description Our fingerprinting is based on Wi-Fi signal strength (RSS) values expressed in dBm. In this competition, we propose a fuzzy-based pre-processing method so that the RSS entries in the fingerprinting database can be converted into the corresponding defuzzification values. The fuzzy-based pre-processing utilizes five membership functions on the received RSS signals and the parameters associated with these membership functions are trained by the training dataset. Finally, we obtain a non-linear mapping function, which mapping the RSS values to the real values between the range of 0 to 4 as shown in Fig. 1. More specifically, we adopt air pressure value for floor judgment, acceleration value for step detection, and Wi-Fi signal for fingerprinting table positioning. Team Name
Indora Reference person Miroslav Opiela Affiliation Institute of Computer Science, P.J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, Jesenná 5, 041 54 Košice (SK) Description Pedestrian dead-reckoning, map model and bayesian filtering are essential components of the proposed localization system. The main research focus is on a low-dimensional grid-based bayesian filtering, as a less elaborated alternative to Kalman and Particle filters widely used for the positioning. A semi-automatically generated map model helps to reduce the localization error introduced by noisy sensor measurements and inaccurate system configuration, e.g., a step length estimation. The floor transition detection based on barometer measurements allows the system to estimate the user position within a single floor. Step length estimation is incorporated in the particle filter. The light sensor improves the ability to distinguish between two similar corridors and detect indoor-outdoor transitions.
UMinho Reference person Ivo Silva Affiliation University of Minho (PT)
Description imec-WAVES/Ghent University Reference person Cedric De Cock Affiliation imec-WAVES/Ghent University (BE)
Description TJU Team members Liqiang Zhang, Boxuan Chen, Hu Li, Yazhen liao, Qingyuan Gong and Yu Liu Affiliation School of Microelectronics, Tianjin University (CN)
Description MAD PDR (Magnetic Assisted Deep PDR) Reference person Leonid Antsfeld Affiliation Naver Labs Europe (FR)
Description The main components are: floor detection, user activity recognition, speed/step length estimation, PDR, WiFi based localization and, finally, a novel component of magnetic field based localization. Floor detection was done using classic classification methods based on WiFi and barometer data. We have applied spectral analysis on the accelerometer data in order to identify user's activity (walking, standing, going up or down the stairs). Next, we have used peaks detection of accelerometer data in order to detect steps. We extract acceleration features in order to learn the step length / speed in a given sliding window. Together with the orientation sensor it allowed us to build a PDR which was a first order approximation of the itinerary. The PDR is known for being accurate locally but drifting over time. In order to compensate for this drift, we have used global localization techniques based on WiFi VAE that was presented at IPIN’19 and recently developed LSTM based magnetic field localization algorithm. Finally, the itinerary was adjusted using a map that was extracted from the training data. XMU ATR Reference person Lingxiang Zheng Affiliation Xiamen University (CN)
Description IOT2US Reference person Bang Wu Affiliation Shenzhen University (CN), Queen Mary University of London and University College London (UK)
Description For machine/deep learning algorithms, we build the training set by using all APs’ RSSI information at known points; training our models (e.g SVM, XGBoost, KNN, CNN); predicting the positions of unknown points. 2. Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR): step counter; pose estimator updated by using the quaternion method, besides, AHRS contains the information of the quaternion, which can be used to fuse with estimated heading. 3. Mobility Detection: we build the training set by collecting the data from provided training and validate sets; Train our models (e.g SVM, XGBoost, DNN, CNN); predict the mobility modes of the user’s state. 4. Floor Level Detection: similar to mobility detection. 5. Indoor/Outdoor Detection: we use GNSS to discriminate indoor scenarios and outdoor scenarios using machine learning algorithms. 6. Data Fusion: extended Kalman Filter or Unascend Kalman Filter or Particle Filter. WiMaP Reference person Qu Wang Affiliation Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)
Description Track 4 - Foot-mounted IMU (off-site)WHUGNSS Team members Jian Kuang, Tao Liu, Yan Wang Affiliation Wuhan University (CN) Description The classic zero-velocity update algorithm (ZUPT) based foot-mounted pedestrian dead reckoning consists of a strap-down inertial navigation algorithm, a stance phase detection algorithm, and an error state Kalman filter. However, the classic ZUPT-based Foot-PDR cannot be overcome the influence of the complex motion of the pedestrian. Several schemes are designed to improve navigation performance. 1) An improved adaptive threshold algorithm to detect the stance-phase in each gait cycle. 2) The zero angular rate update (ZARU) algorithm, the improved heuristic drift elimination (iHDE), and the straight-line constraint algorithm are used to constraint the heading error drift. 3) A motion detection algorithm is used to distinguish ground, escalator, and elevator, and a constant speed constraint is used to update the velocity vector when the pedestrian takes the escalator and elevator. 4) The calibrated magnetometer observations are used to detect whether the user returns to the same area. 5) The loosely integrated model is used to combine Foot-PDR and GNSS signals, and an adaptively robust algorithm is used to improve the performance of the Kalman filter. 6) The optimal inertial sensor parameters (i.e., the bias instability of gyroscopes and accelerometers, the angular random walk, and the velocity random walk) are determined through the provided long-term static data. BHSNIP Team members Ming Xia, Dayu Yan, Yuhang Li, Yitong Dong and Haitao Jiang Affiliation Beihang University (CN) Description Researchers usually suppress the divergence of positioning error within IEZ (Inertial Navigation System - Extended Kalman Filter - Zero Velocity Update, INS-EKF-ZUPT) framework. However, due to the poor observability of heading errors to ZUPT and the instability of vertical inertial channels, further corrections of the estimated trajectories under the IEZ framework are still needed to obtain higher positioning accuracy. First, the improved Step Height Equidistant (SHE) method was exploited to estimate the altitude, which was based on vertical motion modes. Then, the Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) and GPS was integrated according to loose combination. Furthermore, the improved heuristic drift elimination was also used to constraint the heading drift. Finally, the adaptive method was utilized to adjust the parameters of EKF and the threshold of ZUPT. Free-Walking Team members Haiyong Luo, Qu Wang Affiliation Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN) Description A foot-mounted pedestrian inertial navigation system that accurately tracks pedestrian position by using inertial measurement units (IMUs) embedded in device when pedestrian walking normally. However, the positioning accuracy is decreased under complex movements. In this work, we divide the commonly used indoor walking motion type into eight modes construct motion mode classifier based on stacked denoising autoencoder and temporal convolutional network with attention to recognize these pedestrian motion modes. Base on the walking mode classification, we optimize the threshold or parameters of strapdown inertial navigation and zero-velocity detection, and Kalman filter for each walking mode. The proposed method can more effectively distinguish the pedestrian’s walking mode, accurately detect the stationary phase and estimate the device attitude under various pedestrian movements. The results of multi-floor and mixed walking modes experiment show that the positioning errors of the proposed method are less than 2%. AIR Reference person Wenchao Zhang Affiliation Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN) Description Still Phase Detection includes two components: the GLRT detector algorithm used under the condition of the slow and normal pedestrian gait speed, and the HMM detector algorithm used under the condition of the dynamic and fast pedestrian gait speed. After that, using the improved HDE and HUPT method to estimate current position errors, ZUPT is used to estimate the velocity error, while Earth Magnetic Yaw based on QSF method is used to estimate the heading error. A gait or a walk cycle consists of two phases: the swing and stance phase. In the swing phase, the foot is not in contact with the ground. In contrast, the foot contacts the ground in the stance phase GLRT algorithm has obvious advantages for zero speed detection of stable pedestrian gait velocity, while HMM algorithm has a good effect for zero speed detection of dynamic and fast pedestrian gait speed Thus, the two methods are combined to achieve the dynamic human stance. Track 5 - xDR in manufacturing (off-site)Kawaguchi Lab Reference person Takuto Yoshida Affiliation Nagoya university (JP) Description A robust xDR for a target to track based on a velocity estimation method using a neural network. A trajectory estimation by this method consists of the following three steps: 1) an end-to-end speed estimation using a neural network based on LSTM. 2) A heading estimation by integrating angular velocity on the z-axis which is a projection of angular velocity to gravity. 3) Correcting the trajectory calculated from speed and heading using BLE beacon signal, reference point, and map. Our challenge is how to extend the velocity estimation method originally intended for PDR to VDR. yonayona Reference person Yoshitomo Yonamoto Affiliation Keio university (JP) Description My main method is to emphasis on absolute positioning technology. In a certain of time, I use more than 3 detected beacons, try various approaches such as average weighted and trilateration. and choose best estimation. I also tackle to decrease negative check points by implementing prevent-intersect-wall algorithm. Track 6 - On-vehicle smartphone (off-site) Team Name
SZU Mellivora Capensis Reference person Xu Liu Affiliation Shenzhen University (CN) Description Our system proposes a novel method (named SAM-AI Location System) that integrated an improved deep recurrent neural network-based method with a traditional 3D inertial dead-reckoning method to achieve high-precision positioning using the sensor data obtained from smart phone. The system transforms the coordinate system according to the attitude data, and integrates GNSS information when it detects GNSS signals. The system uses the dead reckoning inertial method based on IMU to estimate the three-dimensional position, speed and direction of the vehicle. At the same time, we use the deep recurrent neural networks to learn the data of accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer to train model and predict the highly accurate vehicle track. The inertial-based track obtained by the integrated method through federated filter. Moreover, this system adds GPS information where it detects a GPS signal. GPS signal provide starting information for our inertial-based algorithms. It is worth mentioning that we consider the transformation of coordinate system and the installation angle of smart phone in the process of deducing trajectory.The positioning results of the competition show that the SAM-AI Location System proposed by us can solve the positioning requirements in the complex indoor and outdoor environment. YAI Reference person Chia An Affiliation Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University and National Ilan University (TW) Description The systems is based on dead reckoning. We use Kalman filter to solve the problem of straight driving, and use Stanley control algorithm to solve the problem of deviation when turning. The data provided by the database uses ACCE, GYRO, AHRS, GNSS. We use the road section with GNSS signal to train parameters. WHU-Autonavi Reference person Jian Kuang Affiliation Wuhan university; AutoNavi Software Co., Ltd. (CN)
Track 7 - Channel impulse response (off-site)YAI Reference person NienTing Lee Affiliation Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University and National Ilan University (TW) Description We use neural network to train the model for each receiver, before training model, we process the square and root of the real and imaginary parts of the CIR signal, and then feed the processed 366 signals to neural network training. For labeling, we take the integer digits, and treat each point mark as a category, and finally divide a total of 285 categories.