Competition 2017


IPIN 2017 Indoor Localization Competition
Sapporo, Japan
September 16-17, 2017

EvAAL aims at establishing benchmarks and evaluation metrics for comparing Ambient Assisted Living solutions.

EvAAL stands for "evaluating AAL systems through competitive benchmarking". Since 2011 we have organised international competitions on indoor localization and indoor activity recognition.

In 2017, we lend our experience to the organization of IPIN 2017, which is composed of four tracks:

  • Track 1 "Smartphone-based"
  • Track 2 "Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Positioning"
  • Track 3 "Smartphone-based (off-site)"
  • Track 4 "PDR for warehouse picking (off-site)"

Even after the 15 July deadline has expired, individual tracks may still be able to accept further submissions: please contact the chairs of the track you are interested in if you plan to submit after the deadline.

If you are curious or interested in how EvAAL work, please subscribe to the low-traffic Contest mailing list, where our community shares news and views on the EvAAL competition and where we send announcements.

A video of the EvAAL-Etri 2016 edition at IPIN:

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