IPIN2023 : Track4 "Foot-Mounted IMU (offsite-online)" competition

miguel.ortiz at univ-eiffel.fr miguel.ortiz at univ-eiffel.fr
Thu Jul 13 16:49:11 CEST 2023

Dear competitors, 

As first competitors are currently registring, we are pleased to announce the new version of the technical annexe for Track4: "Foot-mounted IMU". 
The document is attached to this email, and will be available soon at [ https://evaal.aaloa.org/2023/call-for-competition | https://evaal.aaloa.org/2023/call-for-competition ] . 

Best regards, 
Chairs of IPIN Track4 competition 
Miguel ORTIZ 

Dear competitors, 

It's a pleasure to announce that IPIN2023 - Track4 "Foot IMU mounted" is officially launched !! 

[ https://ipin-conference.org/2023/ |    ] 

You will find in the attached PDF all information you may need to compete. 
This year, like previous ones, Ni ZHU and myself will be the chairs of Track4. 

As a reminder : objective of Track4 is to "build" the best trajectory as possible thanks to sensor data that has been recorded before by our OWN device [ https://geoloc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/en/hardware/geolocation-of-travelers | ULISS ] mounted on foot. 
This year like last year, there will be 2 ScoringTrials (in September - exact dates ToBeConfirmed). 

Important : we strongly advice you to "play" with the EvaalAPI a long time before the competition itself. Experience from previous editions has shown that well-prepared competitors achieve the best results. Do not underestimate the time needed to be ready ! 

You are welcome to send us emails if clarification is needed on any points. We will forward answers to all in order to be fair. 

Best regards, 

Miguel Ortiz 
Deputy head of GEOLOC Lab 
CEN-TC5-WG1 convenor 
ISO-TC20-SC14-WG8 convenor 
+33 (0)2 40 84 58 90 
Campus de Nantes 
Allée des ponts et chaussées - CS 5004 
44344 Bouguenais Cedex • FRANCE 
[ http://univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/ | univ-gustave-eiffel.fr ] 
[ https://geoloc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/ | geoloc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr ] 
[ https://geoloc.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/ ] 

[ https://www.facebook.com/UniversiteGustaveEiffel/ ] [ https://twitter.com/TeamGEOLOC ] [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/universit%C3%A9-gustave-eiffel/ ] [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNMF04xs6lEAeFZ8TO6s2dw ] [ https://www.instagram.com/universitegustaveeiffel/ ] 

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