IPIN2023: Track 1 - smartphone (onsite) competition

Antonino Crivello antonino.crivello at isti.cnr.it
Wed Apr 26 16:26:07 CEST 2023

Dear competitors,

it's a pleasure to announce the launch of the IPIN2023 Track 1 - Smartphone
(onsite) competition.
This year, the competition will take place in Nuremberg, during the Sunday
before the IPIN conference. The purpose of this on-site competition track
is to assess and measure the ability of competing systems to accurately
identify their position inside a large, public indoor area using a
hand-held smartphone. The survey of the area and system calibration is
restricted to Saturday.

Please, find attached the track1 technical annex with all the information
you need to compete.

Track 1 – Smartphone (onsite): An actor carries the competing system by
walking in a predefined area.  Competing systems process data locally,
without using any external aid, and provide position estimates in
real-time. The actor walks carrying a smartphone which runs the competing
system, using the sensors available on the smartphones to identify the
user's position.

Competitors are required to integrate their app with the measurement app
before coming to the competition: please do so as soon as possible so that
we can solve possible problems before the competition. We have two versions
of the measurement app: in one, your app runs as a service, while the
measurement app runs in the foreground; in the other, your app runs in the
foreground, while the measurement app creates an overlay with the button.

Details about the integration of the competing app with the measurement
app, documentation and code can be found on the Evaal website (

You are welcome to send us emails if any clarification is needed.

Best regards,
The Track 1 competition chairs
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