
Name of the competing system: UbiAWare

Name and email of the responsible person: Julian Ramos, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Date and place: 6/20/2012, CMU

Data sources

For each datasource the following table is fulfilled:


Bioharness BT

Description of the information measured

Heart rate, breathing rate, skin temperature, posture, peak acceleration, 3D acceleration


Heart rate (BPM), breathing rate (BPM), skin temperature (°C), posture (degrees), peak acceleration (g), 3D acceleration (g)

Example values

70 BPM, 10 BPM, 35°C, -30, 1.3g, (-1.0g, 0g, 0.1g)

Frequency of generated data in operation

Heart rate, breathing rate, skin temperature, posture, and peak acceleration are generated every second.

3D acceleration is generated every 400ms.




Description of the information measured

x, y coordinates of location provided by our localization system


x coordinate (m) and y coordinate (m)

Example values

(8.5m, 0.3m)

Frequency of generated data in operation

The location coordinate is generated every 200ms.

Note: the previous information was not used in the Living Lab benchmark.


After, for instance, 30 minutes operation the competitor generates the following data sets:

  1. An array of arrays that include: G;time;heartRate;breathingRate;skinTemperature; posture;peakAcceleration# every second.
  2. An array of arrays that include: A;time;XAcc01;YAcc01;ZAcc01;…;XAcc20,YAcc20,ZAcc20# every 400ms.
  3. An array of arrays that include: L;time;x;y; # every 200ms.


  1. A file containing this samples in txt format with ‘;’ and ‘#’ as delimiters.
  2. bh.txt for data (arrays starting with G and A) captured from Bioharness BT, lo.txt for data (arrays starting with L) captured from the localization system

Devices used during benchmark

Device name


Position in LLab (x,y,z) in meters

Position in user



Communication means to your system

Bioharness BT




Person moves and physiology

Acceleration and physiology

Bluetooth (to Android)

Android smartphone


Anyplace, but prefer in center

Anyplace, but prefer in pocket

Acceleration and physiology

Acceleration and physiology

Bluetooth (with Bioharness BT)

IP network (to my system)

Localization sensor node


Deploy around the wall of the LLab


Communication signal strength

Location coordinates

IP network (to my system)

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