[evaal contest] vote requested for admission of CapFloor as a regular competitor

Stefano Chessa stefano.chessa at isti.cnr.it
Tue Jul 19 18:25:45 CEST 2011

Dear competitors, evaluators and PC members,

this long mail is about an issue related to one of the attendees
(CapFloor by Andreas Braun from Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt, Germany -
participation scheduled for July 29th) on which you are asked to decide.

I simply start with enumerating the facts first and then make my

    Andreas Braun of the CapFloor team submitted his paper in due time;
    however, the reviewers were not able to decide whether the proposed
    system is suitable for the competition because some of the details
    about the technology used were not clear enough.

    To the PC requests for more detail, the CapFloor team answered that
    they have a pending patent process preventing them from disclosing
    further information. They promised to provide the info as soon as
    allowed by the patenting procedure. 

    The PC agreed to allow the team to participate as guests, as long as
    the capacity of the competition allows. In favor of a more
    challenging competition, the PC decided to provide the CapFloor team
    with the one-time chance to become a full competitor under the
    condition that the camera-ready version of the paper is submitted in
    due time, reviewed, and accepted, without any further chance for
    improving the paper.

    Later, we were informed by the AAL Forum that the camera-ready
    versions for the proceedings of the AAL Forum will be requested at a
    later time.

    Last, we have been informed that CapFloor's patent submission cannot
    be closed before the competition but it will last until mid/end of
    August (one reason being the vacation time in south Germany where
    Fraunhofer headquarters are located).

At this stage, allowing the paper to be finalised only after the
competiton could shed some doubt about the fairness of the PC,
especially because it includes two people from Fraunhofer IGD.  On the
other hand, one can say that the situation is unchanged, provided that
the camera-ready version is accepted before the AAL forum by the
original reviewers, those who made the original exception to CapFloor
being admitted (and who do not belong to Fraunhofer IGD).

The PC chairs then decided to ask the competitors, the members of the
PC, and the members of the evaluation committee (except for Andreas
Braun, Saied Tazari & Reiner Wichert who belong to Franhofer IGD) to
vote by next Friday 22.

Your vote should be sent to Stefano Chessa <Stefano.Chessa at isti.cnr.it>
by replying to this message.  You should put in the body of the message
your name (and team name if you are a competitor) and one of these

    "green"  (allow CapFloor time until 15th of September),
    "yellow" (don't care),
    "red"    (CapFloor has had enough time and can only participate as guest)
    "veto"   (same as above -- only competitors can oppose a veto)

CapFloor will have time until September 15 only if the "green" votes are
more than the "red" votes and if no competitor opposes its veto.  The
votation results will be announced after Friday.  The votes will remain
secret.  Only the result and the total number of votes cast will be made
known, and no records will be kept of the votes themselves.

People having the right to vote are:

Competitors: <http://evaal.aaloa.org/current-competition/competitors>
Evaluating committee: <http://evaal.aaloa.org/current-competition/commitee>
TPC: <http://evaal.aaloa.org/current-competition/committee>

With the exclusions of people belonging to Franhofer IGD.

Stefano Chessa (general PC co-chair)

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