Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is really ALL the house covered? including bed, sofas, bathroom etc.?

 A. Yes, there are no restricted areas. All the places the person can be are localizable. Of course a person cannot walk on a wardrobe or jump on a table, but a person can lay on a bed or sit on a chair.

Q. What happens with intersecting AOIs ? Which one shall I communicate?
A. All the ones the localizable asset is in. The more AOIs you guess, the better. If AOIs are included on in the other and you are on, say, both AOI 4 and AOI41, then you should tell the system BOTH AOIs, that is "4 41". AOIs 5 and 6 are a little bit different as they are not included one in the other as in the other cases. In principle you should send "5" when you are only in AOI 5, "5 6" if you are in both AOI 5 and AOI 6 and "6" if you are only in AOI 6.
Q. What if I don't send any AOI information at all?
A. We evaluate what you send as AOIs. If you send no AOI information then your scoring about AOI accuracy will be zero, even though your x,y coordinates are 100% accurate. 

Q. Can I isntruct the person on how to wear a device?

A. Yes, you can choose whatever setup for your system, but as usability metrics we also consider how this "device" is worn.


Q: Can I fix nodes to the ceiling?

A. You can fix the devices on the tiles, but be careful as the ceiling is not at a uniform height from the  ground. As it said on the technical annex:  The lowest part, where the porch and the entrance are, is 2.32m high. From the porch to the first girder the ceiling will be inclined until reaching the height of 2,62 meters. From that point on the ceiling is 2.62m high." A picture is available here.


Q. Can I fix nodes outside of the house?

A. Yes. You can install anchors outside. In the porch you have a railing where you can fix the devices. Another option could be the walls or the ceiling (the porch is covered with a metal ceiling). There are photos of the Living Lab in Google Street View.


Q. How many times can we repeat the benchmarks?

A. Two times. We will picke the one with the best scorings.



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