online competition Track 4 complete

Francesco Potortì Potorti at
Wed Sep 13 15:54:09 CEST 2023

Dear all,

we have just finished running Track 4

Of the 5 competitors that applied, 5 asked for testing trial names, 5 run the scoring trials, 5 completed the scoring trials with complete success and will be ranked, the ranks will be announced on the last day of the conference.

Congratulations to teams ININ624, CETC-CePNT, VINF, SmartLoc and X-lab for this feat!

Francesco Potortì (ricercatore)        Mobile: +39.348.8283.107
ISTI - Area della ricerca CNR          Skype:  wnlabisti
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa         Web:
(gate 20, 1st floor, room C71)         ISPIN:

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