[IPIN Competition - Track 3] Time-slot for participation and requirements

Joaquín Torres Sospedra jtorres at uji.es
Fri Sep 8 16:18:45 CEST 2023

Dear Competitors,

Track 3 is scheduled on Thursday, September 14th at 7:00 (UTC). The times
are UTC, so you should add +1 for the UK and Portugal, +2 for Western
Europe, +8 for China and +9 for Japan. Cross-check the exact time in your
location. If you participate in other tracks, the organisers will send you
the calendar in a separate email.

You shall launch their first scoring trial inside a 5-minute window
starting at the above times. i.e., between 7.00 and 7.05 (UTC) on Thursday.

After the first scoring trial is finished, each competitor has 2 minutes to
start the next scoring trial. Please, keep in mind that the order of trials
is significant and must not be changed. First, the first scoring trial and
then the second one. Do not run first the second scoring trial and then the
first one.

The initial position will be included in the Yaml file and has been shared
to you privately yesterday. If you have not received it, please let us know
as soon as possible.

One team from Track 3 has not yet requested a testing trial name. As I
highlighted yesterday, the integration to EvaalAPI is not trivial and you
should be able to work with the API. Please ask info at evaal.aaloa.org for
your testing trials and confirm participation.

You should let info at evaal.aaloa.org know which server they prefer for
running their scoring trials. Some of you already answered my email
yesterday, please choose among the European and the Chinese servers as soon
as possible. If we do not receive any preference, we will choose one for

Francesco Potortì will send scoring trial names in time for competitors to
start, with instructions on start time windows, trial order and server to
use. Francesco will send scoring trial names only to teams who have paid
their fee for participating. Unfortunately, only a few teams sent proof of
payment for Track 3, the others should send proof to me and
info at evaal.aaloa.org.

*Again, this is a show stopper!!! *
*Francesco will not send scoring trial names without proof of payment.*

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
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