registering to more than one Track

Francesco Potortì Potorti at
Tue Jun 6 21:05:36 CEST 2023

A clarification on registering for more than one Track.

A team can participate in as many Tracks as they like.  A full registration is required for the first Track, and includes submission of a paper describing the competing system.

An additional fee is required to participate in a second Track.

Teams wishing to participate in a third Track should make an additional full registration, which includes submission of a paper describing the competing system.

An additional fee is required to participate in a fourth Track.

Please do not hesitate to write on this list about topics which may be of interest to every competitor.  Or write to info at for private communication.

Francesco Potortì (ricercatore)        Mobile: +39.348.8283.107
ISTI - Area della ricerca CNR          Skype:  wnlabisti
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa         Web:
(gate 20, 1st floor, room C71)         ISPIN:

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