Technical Annex - IPIN 2023 Track 3 "Smartphone"

Joaquín Torres Sospedra jtorres at
Mon Jun 5 23:30:02 CEST 2023

Dear competitors,

Is our pleasure to announce that the IPIN2023 - Track 3 "Smartphone" is
officially launched.

The preliminary technical annex is attached to this email. So far, we
continue with the same kind of competition as in the previous years, also
with the same data format.

As indicated by the Track 4 team, the objective of Track 3 is also to
"build" the best trajectory possible thanks to sensor data recorded with,
in our case, regular smartphones.

We strongly recommend "play" with the EvaalAPI a long time before the
competition itself. Data from the two previous competitions may still be
available for tuning your systems with long evaluations "scoring" trials.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case of any clarification needed!

Best regards,
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