IEEE J-ISPIN - Call for Journal Papers

Francesco Potortì Potorti at
Thu Jan 5 18:31:04 CET 2023

		      * * * CALL FOR JOURNAL PAPERS * * *

	 IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation

			      Submit a paper today


The IEEE  Journal of  Indoor and Seamless  Positioning and  Navigation (J-ISPIN)
publishes  original research  in  the  fields of  localization  and tracking  of
people,  robots and  objects.  It  covers all  aspects of  localization systems,
including sensing, communications,  location-based services, mapping, protocols,
human  interfaces  and  standards.   The  scope  includes  methods  and  systems
addressing indoor  environments as  well as  those enabling  seamless transition
between   heterogeneous  indoor   contexts   or  between   indoor  and   outdoor
environments,  for  example  where  Global  Navigation  Satellites  Systems  are
underperforming or unavailable.

In keeping with IEEE’s continued  commitment to providing options supporting the
needs of  all authors, IEEE introduces  the IEEE Journal of  Indoor and Seamless
Positioning and Navigation (J-ISPIN).

We invite  you to  be among  the first  to have  your article  peer-reviewed and
published in the new journal. This  is an exciting opportunity for your research
to benefit from the high visibility  and interest the journal’s marketing launch
will generate. Your research will also be  exposed to more than 5 million unique
monthly users of the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.

The IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigagtion will draw on
IEEE’s expert technical community’s continued  commitment to publishing the most
highly-cited  content.   Valerie Renaudin,  of  Universite  Gustave Eiffel,  and
Francesco   Potortì,   of   ISTI-CNR,    are   editor-in-chief   and   associate

The rapid peer-reviewed process targets a publication time frame of 10 weeks for
most  accepted papers.  This journal  is fully  open and  compliant with  funder

J-ISPIN’s mission is to provide the  positioning and navigation community with a
high-quality, peer-reviewed gold open  access journal that fosters technological
innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity while meeting author needs
to publish within their funding requirements.

Sponsored  by IEEE  Sensors Council,  IEEE Signal  Processing Society,  and IEEE
Instrumentation  & Measurement  Society, J-ISPIN  is regarded  as a  trusted and
unbiased source of technical information for dialog and collaboration to advance
technology within the Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation community.

	       Leverage IEEE’s publication expertise and strength

	    IEEE articles are indexed by major technology databases,
		      including Web of Science and Scopus.

	      IEEE publications are among the most cited journals
		   in US and European new technology patents.

       IEEE provides tools to assist authors with their publishing needs,
	      including article templates and a graphics analyzer.

		     IEEE Society members receive discounts
		      on Article Processing Charges (APC).

Editorial Board

Editor-in-chief			Valérie Renaudin — Univ. Gustave Eiffel (FR)
Associate Editor-in-chief:	Francesco Potortì — ISTI-CNR (IT)

Editors:	Paolo Barsocchi — ISTI-CNR (IT)
		Valérie Gyselinck — Univ. Gustave Eiffel (FR)
		Itzik Klein — University of Haifa (IL)
		Elena Simona Lohan — Tampere University (FI)
		Kyle O'Keefe — University of Calgary (CA)
		Neal Patwari — Washington University St. Louis (US)
		Ling Pei — Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CH)
		Isaac Skog — Linköping University (SE)
		Joaquín Torres-Sospedra — University Jaume I (ES)
		Masanori Sugimoto — Hokkaido University (JP)
		Niki Trigoni — University at Oxford (GB)
		Jesús Ureña Ureña — University of Alcalá (ES)
		Dongyan Wei — AIR Chinese Academy of Sciences (CH)

Francesco Potortì (ricercatore)        Mobile: +39.348.8283.107	     
ISTI - Area della ricerca CNR          Skype:  wnlabisti	     
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa         Web:
(gate 20, 1st floor, room C71)         ISPIN:

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