[evaal contest] Presentation format

Joaquín Torres Sospedra jtorres at uji.es
Thu Aug 31 09:53:05 CEST 2017

Dear Competitors,

Competing teams are expected to give a short oral presentation of their
system during the special session on 21 September.

The oral presentations have to fit 8 minute slots which include 2-3 minutes
question and answers. We recommend you to prepare the slides for about a ***4
minute presentation***.

The presentation rooms will be equipped with video projectors with analog
VGA connectors. You can use your own laptop, provided it has a VGA (15-pin)
output port. Alternatively, you can bring your presentation on a USB memory
stick and load it on the conference laptop (Windows) during the break time
preceding your presentation session. In this case, please make sure in
advance that your presentation embeds all the necessary fonts and materials

If you have any questions about it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
*Joaquín Torres-Sospedra*
Postdoctoral researcher at *GEOTEC Research Group
*Office UB1519DD @ Espaitec2 Building
*Institute of New Imaging Technologies* <http://www.init.uji.es/>, *Universitat
Jaume I <http://ujiapps.uji.es/>*, Castellón, Spain
*Social media:* *@jtorres_phd <https://twitter.com/jtorres_phd>* - *LinkedIn
<http://es.linkedin.com/pub/joaqu=C3=ADn-torres-sospedra/55/87b/66a%20/en/> *
- *ResearchGate
*Web: **http://www3.uji.es/~jtorres <http://www3.uji.es/~jtorres>*
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