[evaal contest] EvAAL - on-site tracks - floor error and maximum error

Francesco Potortì Potorti at isti.cnr.it
Thu Sep 24 14:06:10 CEST 2015

Dear competitors of on-site tracks (1 & 2),

here are some more communications.


1) the error will be measured based on xy coordinates (longitude and
   latitude).  To this, a penalty P will be added for each floor error.
   For example, if the xy error is 4m and the estimated floor is 1 while
   it should be 0, the computed error will be 4+P.  I suggest that we
   choose a value of P between 10 and 20m.  Please answer on the list
   with your opinion.

2) competitors for which the third quartile of error is greater than 25m
   are not eligible for the winner prize


ALL competitors of tracks 1 & 2 are kindly requested to get back to me
and Michele Girolami <Michele.Girolami at isti.cnr.it> urgently and tell
that they have successfully completed integration with the measurement
app.  This is important to detect and correct possible problems as soon
as possible.


I have added a section at the end of the technical annex, where all
communications that have been sent to this list (available in the list
archives) are summarised in a single place, for your convenience; see
<http://evaal.aaloa.org/current-competition/ta2015track1-2>.  Please
READ it carefully and get back to the list in case of problems.

Francesco Potortì (ricercatore)        Voice:  +39.050.621.3058
ISTI - Area della ricerca CNR          Mobile: +39.348.8283.107
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa         Skype:  wnlabisti
(entrance 20, 1st floor, room C71)     Web:    http://fly.isti.cnr.it

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